Monday, November 11, 2013

How To Make Your Own Operating System ...?

How To Make Your Own Operating System ...?

Having an Operating System named after you, Sounds Amazing ! Isn’t it ?
Specially, after watching the IronMan Series,  I am a die hard fan on J.A.R.V.I.S. Operating System.
So, let’s get started to make Operating System on our own. Once you are done with it, Don’t forget to share your operating system with me in the comment section below.

1. Go To :

2. Sign Up

3. Select any OS Platform and Architecture you wish to make :

Now, It will create a new appliance for us.

4. Name your OS !

5. Select Necessary Packages/Softwares for your OS :

Here, I am adding a few development related packages.

Select any packages you want to have in your Operating System.

It will automatically select its dependencies.

6. Finalize the General Settings :
Select your Language
Enable Firewall if you wish to have it
Leave Networking setting to automatic.
Add Desktop users

7. Interesting Stuff : Personalisation !
Choose a logo and background for your own Operating System.

8. Select Startup option :
I am selecting the Graphical Login.

9. Add your own Files :
Add your files if you wish them to be Pre-Loaded in the Operating System.

10. Select the Build Format :
I have selected USB Stick/hard disk Image, that’s the best option !

Click on Build.

And, Here is your Operating System. Cheers !